Friday 24 May 2013

May newsletter published

Rob has published an update on the projects underway at Finsbury in the latest newsletter here.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Alien Invasive Plant eradication program is under way

After a few months of Jimmy Whatmore walking Finsbury flat assessing the problem, work has now commenced on the removal of alien plants.  Rob and Jimmy brought a small team on board to start with pulling wattle.  Unfortunately the first crew only lasted a couple of days before concluding that this was too much like hard work.  As you'll see from the photos below, it certainly involves some back-breaking work pulling the saplings as well as scrambling on hands and knees through dense bush.  To help with the problem, Jimmy enlisted some child labour from U22...!

I am sure Rob will have lots more to report over time.  This will be long and hard process - indeed an ongoing process over many years.  But it is great news that the process of removal has begun again in a concerted and systematic way.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Management house renovations under way!

Work commenced on the management house last week and it already appears as if there is not much left of the house...!