Monday, 26 August 2013

Brewery Walk - 16 June 2013

It was a great day after a very chilly start, with about 18 walkers following a route skirting Mount Anderson.
Photo's by Alistair Starker

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Alien Invasive Plant Eradication Update

During the coldest months our activities, as the AIPE Team, have been limited as the target species have been dormant, so the use of herbicide has not been possible. We, therefore, concentrated on mechanically removing as much wattle as possible from the riparian areas of the Estate. We are happy to report that we removed close on 200 000 wattles during this time from seedlings to trees up to 3,5m in height

About 2 weeks ago I noticed the leaves on some of the wattle trees beginning to open, indicating that they are becoming active again. I immediately moved the team to our boundary with Whiskey Creek in the Majubane gorge. Those of you familiar with the Majubane gorge will know that the last 2 kilometres before the waterfall are cluttered with massive (up to 20m tall), felled wattles. These trees grow in height too quickly searching for enough light. This growth is so rapid that their roots do not establish themselves quickly enough and the tree simply topples over, cluttering up the gorge.

This is not only aesthetically unpleasing but also a hazard to infrastructure during floods. We have thus decided to remove the timber which is a massive undertaking since it will have to be accomplished by hand.

Anyway, we have started at this point and will move downstream eradicating all alien species in our path. I have, and will continue to demarcate the areas we are busy in with danger tape. If you encounter this barrier please feel welcome to see how we are doing or feel free to pass through. Just remember to be aware of falling trees and remember we are using herbicide in these areas.