Thursday, 31 August 2017

Kenna's Brown


I enjoy getting photos of people and activities from the members. This was one is of young Kenna Twiggs with a beautiful Brown she caught from SPK 2 recently. In fact, she always out there catching! Quite the angler.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Some recent activities here on the Estate


We certainly have had a mild winter here this year. It has been cold, don't get me wrong, but not as cold as it can and does usually get. Cold or not, being an outdoors place, many activities have taken place recently, besides the excellent fishing!

It hasn't just been play, play, play, lots of kids have been willing to work too, both with me and my alien plant clearing activities, and with Simon in the hatchery.

Below is a photographic summary of some of these activities...

Fraser Moore logging community service hours destroying Pine with my team. That's a massive tree he is ring-barking!

While walking back from work with Fraser, we glimpsed a pair of porcupines sleeping in an old mine digging.

On another occasion, Both Fraser and Helen Moore logging community service hours.

A hike to the top of the world with the Rivett-Carnat's of Pebble Creek in late June.

Louise Twiggs hugging a massive Mountain Hard Pear hidden in a forest on a gorge walk also in late June.

Kenna, Ashley and Louise emerging from the gorge high up in the North Eastern side of the Estate.

Louise Twiggs and Nick Moore risking a cliff to try photograph a special narrow endemic, the Mount Anderson Everlasting.

Mount Anderson Everlasting, Helichrysum summon-montanum.

The very fit Ashfeilds from Rod's Rest having a short break at the beacon on the very tippy top of Mount Anderson.

Judy Slettevold and the gang on a hike up to the top of the cliffs below Potato Seed Production. It was a real tough one because all the paths I remembered longer there? See the Majubane waterfall far in the backround...

The Rogans from Morrin Pools loving it up high in early July.

Fraser Moore from Rock Solid preparing to take on "Knife edge Gorges" in July. See Mount Anderson in the distance in front of him.

The girls from The Crofts helping Simon and staff bring in the nets in the hatchery.

A Cape Clawless Otter pup scampers past Ashley Twiggs after emerging from the Laundry room.

Sundowners at the end of South Valley last week.

The Moores, from Rock Solid, and I enter the plains of Hartebeesvlakte on an overnight hike this week.

The Moore kids and I at the Stables Hut on the Fanie Botha Trail before our return to the Estate yesterday morning.

On our way back over the Hartebeesvlakte. We are the speck to the right of the centre of the panorama.

Enjoying a bit of kite flying on the top of the escarpment before dropping back to the Steenkamps valley.

Never a boring moment! Please remember, if you want to go for a hike (anytime) or you want your kids to accumulate Community Service hours (only during work days), don't hesitate to contact me, Jimmy, either over the radio when you are here, or by email to beforehand. We are looking forward to your following visit...

Saturday, 12 August 2017

New house on the block!


The next time you arrive at Finsbury, as you pass "Elsmere" (unit 11), and are about to descend towards the Central area, you will notice a beautiful new house on the banks of the Kliprots River just North of it's confluence with the Hatchery stream. This new house on the block has been built as my new accommodation and, yes, I am absolutely over the moon!

It's a spacious three bedroomed, two bathroomed cottage with a massive stoep for me to sit on and read my kindle on Sundays.

Firstly a huge thank you to Dawn and Neville Organ who got the ball rolling. Then a special thanks to the board, particularly Hannes Potgieter, for building it, and Mike Beaumont for organizing everything. And lastly, a deep heartfelt thank you to you, the members, for all you have done (and Grant Lotter, was it you that designed it?).

The view from the office

The view from the road as you pass Elsmere

 Do pop in for tea...