Sunday, 9 February 2014

Camtrap shots

We have a few camera traps on the estate that we use mainly on the rivers to document the otter and Water Mongoose populations. We have had sparse luck with the target species but we have captured some interesting species.The traps have also produced some fine shots of our more common animals.

This is a great shot. It's so Finsbury. SPK10
We have caught three different leopard individuals on the traps. One big male (but a poor shot), one younger male and a big female. The younger male and I had a close encounter, according to the camtrap, on the path to the Miner's hut where I was staying at the time. Got home late one evening and landed up walking the path in the dark. Check the date/time stamp on these two shots:
Male leopard on his way down..
Male human on his way up...

Below is a selection of camtrap shots that we have on file.

Look how full Mom's mouth is.
A beautiful Bushbuck ram with his hair up.
Bushpigs at K24

Old, scarred male Caracal at K24
Civet is the predator we catch the most.

African Finfoot at SPK10. What a gem!
Big Female Leopard at K24
...and her preferred meal, a Common Duiker 

Spotted Genet heard the flash charging.

The younger Male on Miner's Hut path.

Pumba at K24
Young Serval at SPK10
A rare shot of a Clawless Otter at M14
We got 4 shots of this big Serval in a week. All in the day!

A Robin at K9

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's me with the fish walking home :-)
