Its been a while since I have been able to post any news on the blog. Unfortunately we haven't had comms on the farm for almost two months now. We are back up and running with both Wi-Fi and phone set up in the office. The Wi-Fi pass word is Rainbow@1 and the new phone number is 0871500807. The office has a basic set up for now. It will take about six weeks or so before we have a comfortable office again. We appreciate all your patience in this regard.
Winter is past its half way mark with temperatures falling below zero most mornings. Since my last post we have been busy with many projects. In April we along with our valley neighbours got stuck into repairing the Spekboom entrance road. We managed to repair the entire road from our gate to the Mount Anderson Reserve gate in just over two weeks. What a difference it has made!

The sludge pump team has completed S7 and has now moved onto K14. We initially intended to work on desilting the Whisky and Majubane weirs but due to the silt from the operation effecting the eggs in the hatchery we decided to continue up the Kliprots River. Below are some photos of S7 completed along with the one of the old mining holes which were filled up with the silt from S7. Over time these once ugly holes will be overgrown with natural vegetation which is more aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly.
May through to July is when we start the process of stripping and fertilizing of eggs in the hatchery. This year has been a good one with many tens of thousands of eggs been processed.
On an annual basis we undertake to cut and burn fire breaks around all buildings on the property including burning fire breaks on all our boundaries. This normally takes us around two months for the preparation and burning. This year went well except for a small run away fire on our Highland Run boundary,
The Winter Working Program is well on its way with the team finish off re building the causeway at Whisky Cottage.
From there we will move onto the rebuilding of the crossing at Unit 18 and then onto the rebuilding of the weir at SPK4. This should enhance the fishing somewhat on the Spekboom River.
Jimmy and his alien plant eradication team have completed the follow up on the Steenkamps Valley and at the Poplar forest near unit 19 and are now busy with the follow up operation up the Kliprots Valley.
Note: Both Yvette and myself will be off the farm from 10 July to 4 August. Please could you correspond with Jimmy with regards to bookings on He will communicate these bookings with David in order to prepare for your visit. Please could you hold back any queries or other business until our return in August. For other business please contact Mike Beaumont on or 082 828 4925.
Appreciate your consideration.
Kind regards
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